--vga controller 18/12/22 12/23 12/24 12/25 12/26 12/27 --19/1/12 1/13 1/29 3/24 3/25 3/26 3/27 --5/4 5/5 5/6 --5/7 vga & crt from vgac2j --5/8 --5/9 80/40 5/10 --5/11 vga & crt -- 6/4 6/10 library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; library ARITHMETIC; use ARITHMETIC.std_logic_arith.all; entity vgacrt2c is PORT ( AHout:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); ALout:out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); AHin:in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); ALin:in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); ROMadrs:out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); ROMDATA:in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); A11_15:in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); IOWR:in std_logic; IORD:in std_logic; MREQ:in std_logic; MWR:in std_logic; VRAMWR:out std_logic; VRAMS:out std_logic; D0IN:in std_logic; D1IN:in std_logic; D7OUT:out std_logic; RGB_ROUT:out std_logic; RGB_GOUT:out std_logic; RGB_BOUT:out std_logic; HSYNC:out std_logic; VSYNC:out std_logic; CRTVHSYNC:out std_logic; CRTDSP:out std_logic; Notused58:in std_logic; Notused73:in std_logic; Notused74:in std_logic; SW80_40:in std_logic; SWVGACRT:in std_logic; Resetin:in std_logic; CKIN1 :in std_logic; CKIN2 :in std_logic); end vgacrt2c; architecture rtl of vgacrt2c is signal cntr0:std_logic; signal cntr1:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal cntr2:std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); signal cntr3:std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); signal ramadrswk:std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal ramadrswk0:std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal sftrgstr:std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal hblnkwk:std_logic; signal hblnkwk2:std_logic; signal cntr3wk:std_logic; signal vblnkwk:std_logic; signal vrams2:std_logic; signal vactive:std_logic; signal rgbout:std_logic; signal hsyncwk:std_logic; signal vsyncwk:std_logic; signal cntr1_2:std_logic; begin --clock select process(CKIN1,CKIN2) begin if SWVGACRT='1' then cntr0<=CKIN1; elsif SW80_40='1' then cntr0<=CKIN2; elsif CKIN2'event and CKIN2='0' then cntr0<=cntr0+'1'; end if; end process; --cntr1 & sftrgstr process(cntr0) begin if cntr0'event and cntr0='0' then if cntr1="0111" then sftrgstr<=ROMDATA; cntr1<="0000"; else cntr1<=cntr1+"0001"; sftrgstr<=sftrgstr(6 downto 0) & '1'; end if; end if; end process; -- --cntr2 cntr1_2<=cntr1(2); process(cntr1_2) begin if cntr1_2'event and cntr1_2 = '0' then if SWVGACRT='1' and cntr2="1100011" then cntr2<="0000000"; elsif SW80_40='1' and cntr2="1101111" then cntr2<="0000000"; elsif SW80_40='0' and cntr2="0110111" then cntr2<="0000000"; else cntr2 <= cntr2 +"0000001"; end if; end if; end process; --hblnk,hsync --hblnkwk process(cntr2) begin if cntr2="0000000" then hblnkwk<='1'; elsif SWVGACRT='1' and cntr2="1010000" then hblnkwk<='0'; elsif SW80_40='1' and cntr2="1010000" then hblnkwk<='0'; elsif SW80_40='0' and cntr2="0101000" then hblnkwk<='0'; end if; end process; -- --hblnkwk2 process(cntr2) begin if cntr2="0000001" then hblnkwk2<='1'; elsif SWVGACRT='1' and cntr2="1010001" then hblnkwk2<='0'; elsif SW80_40='1' and cntr2="1010001" then hblnkwk2<='0'; elsif SW80_40='0' and cntr2="0101001" then hblnkwk2<='0'; end if; end process; -- --hsynkwk process(cntr2) begin if SWVGACRT='1' then if cntr2="1010011" then hsyncwk<='0'; elsif cntr2="1011111" then hsyncwk<='1'; end if; elsif SW80_40='1' then if cntr2="1011001" then hsyncwk<='0'; elsif cntr2="1100000" then hsyncwk<='1'; end if; else if cntr2="0101101" then hsyncwk<='0'; elsif cntr2="0110000" then hsyncwk<='1'; end if; end if; end process; -- --cntr3 process(hblnkwk) begin if hblnkwk'event and hblnkwk = '1' then if SWVGACRT='1' and cntr3="111000000" then cntr3<="000000000"; else cntr3 <= cntr3 +"000000001"; end if; end if; end process; -- vblnk,vsync --vblnkwk process(cntr3) begin if SWVGACRT='1' then if cntr3(8)='0' then vblnkwk<='1'; elsif cntr3(8 downto 4)="11001" then vblnkwk<='0'; end if; elsif cntr3(7)='0' then vblnkwk<='1'; elsif cntr3(7 downto 3)="11001" then vblnkwk<='0'; end if; end process; --vsyncwk process(cntr3) begin if SWVGACRT='1' then if cntr3="110011100" then vsyncwk<='0'; elsif cntr3="110011110" then vsyncwk<='1'; end if; elsif cntr3(7 downto 3)="11011" then vsyncwk<='0'; elsif cntr3(7 downto 4)="1110" then vsyncwk<='1'; end if; end process; --ramadrs process(cntr1_2) begin if cntr1_2'event and cntr1_2='0' then if vblnkwk='0' then ramadrswk<="00000000"; ramadrswk0<="00000000"; elsif SWVGACRT='1' then if cntr3(3 downto 0)="1111" and hblnkwk = '0' then ramadrswk0 <= ramadrswk; elsif cntr2="1010000" then ramadrswk <= ramadrswk0; elsif cntr2(2 downto 0)="111" and hblnkwk='1' then ramadrswk<=ramadrswk+"00000001"; end if; elsif cntr3(2 downto 0)="111" and hblnkwk = '0' then ramadrswk0 <= ramadrswk; elsif SW80_40='1' and cntr2="1010000" then ramadrswk <= ramadrswk0; elsif SW80_40='0' and cntr2="0101000" then ramadrswk <= ramadrswk0; elsif cntr2(2 downto 0)="111" and hblnkwk='1' then ramadrswk<=ramadrswk+"00000001"; end if; end if; end process; -- address select -- vrams process(MREQ,MWR) begin if MREQ='0' and MWR='0' and A11_15="11111" and vrams2='0' then VRAMS<='0'; AHout<=AHin; ALout<=ALin; VRAMWR<=MWR; else VRAMS<='1'; AHout<=ramadrswk; ALout<=cntr2(2 downto 0); VRAMWR<='1'; end if; end process; -- vblnk read -- i/o active vrams vactive process(Resetin,AHin,ALin,IOWR) begin if Resetin='0' then vrams2<='1'; vactive<='1'; elsif AHin(4 downto 0)="11010" and ALin(2)='0' and IOWR='0' then vrams2<=not D0IN; vactive<=not D1IN; end if; end process; -- process(AHin,ALin,IORD) begin if AHin(4 downto 0)="11010" and ALin(2)='0' and IORD='0' and vblnkwk='0' then D7OUT<='0'; else D7OUT<='Z'; end if; end process; -- Hsync<=hsyncwk; Vsync<=vsyncwk; rgbout<=sftrgstr(7) and hblnkwk2 and vblnkwk and vactive; RGB_ROUT<=rgbout; RGB_GOUT<=rgbout; RGB_BOUT<=rgbout; -- process(cntr3) begin if SWVGACRT='1' then ROMadrs<=cntr3( 3 downto 1); elsif SWVGACRT='0' then ROMadrs<=cntr3(2 downto 0); end if; end process; --crt out process(rgbout) begin if rgbout='0' then CRTDSP<='0'; else CRTDSP<='Z'; end if; end process; process(hsyncwk,vsyncwk) begin if hsyncwk='0' or vsyncwk='0' then CRTVHSYNC<='0'; else CRTVHSYNC<='Z'; end if; end process; end rtl; |