The message from Ainu that was brought to this meeting.

OGAWA Ryukiti (the Hokkaido utari organization education consultation personnel, Sapporo-shi)

White old age and Hakodate of museum in presented is Kodama Sakuzaemon by grave robber article obj, why this time in expressly and calls every place display whether understand able to not. the the a the that where I it it be Being returning only 32 bodies, although he even the cranial bones of our ancestor that dug up returned to Ainu the official name of a north large charnel house is "a research library". There is not a change in that I am managing although it is large the north to be now.
I should return the Kodama collection to Ainu including the skull.

HSAEGAWA Osamu (chief of Ainu esnicgroup "RERA". Yamanashi Pref.)

To think to a special exhibition opening

When I give up unwillingly heart
" The heart that ruined poor Ainu IBOSHI Hokuto posthumous works cotan from

I say' what, everyone hoped in the circumstances of 'Hokkaido old native protection law' abolition even more with materialization process, of the new law "Ainu culture promotion law" it was to' make the history recognition of correct. It was that the Ainu race is a tip Z race to admit and was to admit the invasion of Japan simultaneously. However, one of punctuation has been attached without showing a sincere attitude. That moment, Ainu is not particular with the abolition of defunct law and try to have significance to the materialization of the new law and selected. 'Unwillingly I gave up/ ' and I received it. However, it is not the translation that the self gave up. Rather it should make correct history recognition opposite and go enlightening that is toward the Japanese society furthermore to ainuutari I think that it was the mark to.

I think only 'splendor' that it is the conscience on the side of the sponsorship person of a minimum to be doing exhibition while do not convey with the special exhibition in this time and announcing the background of the collection. Be nonexistent it to the case is connected to the realization of the society that the pride of the Ainu race is respected?

IBOSHI Hokuto posthumous works cotan "If Ainu is studied to the person who hears as" whether or not profitable
"I gave a favor of saying well that it is profitable
It is the heart of IBOSHI Hokuto Ainu. I think that even I want, that is to say, attached as one of Ainu.

YAMAMOTO kazuaki and KITAKAWA Shimako etc. ( PIRIKA whole country executive committee , Sapporo-shi)

The message of solidarity.

The one that "the Kodama collection" made gracerobber from grave etc. of the Ainu race is a basis.
Even (a human bone is although it) includes it nearly 1000 body cranial bones in the locker of "the Ainu charnel house" where the north large medical school manages even now and start to have the burial article such as a sword and necklace with these cranial bones and make the collection of a self.It is never able to permit.Even the human bone should return it to inclusion, Ainu race the top of the apology right away.

With an Ainu race gives the one that was doing the fatalities carefully before unevenness case, raw.
Decorating the sword, necklace, ear clothes etc. are given.
"Ainu research" and claiming to be them it exposes, took out the grave selfishly.
Inside in fatalities of it tries to dive and be handed down that there is the one that I tore off.
"A/the collection" that claims to be them and it does, insult the human right of itself, Ainu races to.

Kodama Sakuzaemon (the north large medical school anatomy classroom) be much to an Ainu race
"Obtaining ‚Ė that are good clothes I take the trouble of lending it" because it becomes for the research of an Ainu culture there is the one that, about to hold skillfully etc. and word a little bit and collected.

The culture of an Ainu race separates the earth, life, view of nature etc. not to mention the whole of the history of the race and unable to think.Itself is wrong to do the clothes and necklace etc. in pieces into the glass case and display.It is because the attitude called the Ainu race" that "comes to perish there is penetrated.Also, the role that erases the richness of the culture of the whole Ainu race has been played.

As, the one that took meeting etc. in this time from the Ainu race makes an effort even we, so that it becomes the exercise that causes the top Ainu race of the apology returned.Even in order that impeach the AINUMOSHIRI invasion/control of the monopolistic capital, ZURUSHAMO(meams JAP) scholars of the Japanese nation, Mitsui and 3 water chestnut etc. and be winning the self-determination right of an/the Ainu race the match that impeaches (the robbery of the cultural assets even inclusion) cultural invasion is necessary.

It unites and let's persist.

September 22, 2000
"Northern Territories Day" it is opposite! "An/the Ainu new law" realization! A/the whole country executive committee (abbreviation/PIRIKA executive committee)
Representative/YAMAMOTO Kaxuahi subis represented/KITAGAWA Shimako secretariat vice-chief/SHIRAKAWA Tadashi, in this case,

Kushiro-shi A. T.

The collection person, reason Kodama sakuzaemon the Kodama collection were without notice and dug the grave of Ainu and took away the remains of over 1000 body Ainu to the Hokkaido University medical school study room and was leaving this on shelf etc. of the study room extending for a period of a long period as, due to research. It is the one that collected an/the Ainu ball or emushi (the sword), or folk costume etc. voluminously with the human bone as an article buried in a tomb as it is in those research reports. These deeds are unpardonable. It is "grave@robber" certainly.
I think that I need to reconsider exceeding the relation between a father and daughter after all, although Kodama Mali where took over@the collection article is not a bad one. Also, even the Ainu race museum of Shiraoi-cho where is displaying the Kodama collection, should do a correct display to exhibition explanation and the Ainu culture promotion foundation, should do think the exhibition business that is not contrary to the mind and theme and that actually there are many problems the realization of the society" that promotion law of "the pride of the Ainu race is respected an Ainu culture much more, such as.

(the omission)

Even, Ainu should face each other with "an/the Ainu culture, Ainu history correctly neatly mutually even shisam (Kazuto)". I I saw this special exhibition (Hiroshima in) on July 23.
There are many problems unreasonably and was very regrettable.
Needless to say entering it as the questionnaire it has input it to even 4 sheets of questionnaire boxes.
Thinking in everybody I will give the voice in everybody.

Nagoya-shi O. E.

It is the place where "the Kodama collection", even I admits that worth is as the fact.
I think that the plan, it itself that introduce the world of Ainu by using the data, are a good thing.
I would rather welcome the opening of the exhibition.

However, there are the circumstances that do not go so really.

the dishonor suspicion is shadowing that collection very much.
"Many parts are" be that "fatalities were acquiring the graverobber article from a grave"
When I go from situation evidence, although such a feeling does it
It is although it is not said in all of what, because seems there is not the collection record of essential Mr. Kodama .
"It is that was collected and was thrown the private fortune and the voice of the suspicion is out from many Ainu, even if the bone collection is asserted that be different and there is not the certain material evidence called" that is not "a graverobber article as the record of the process of the collection is unclear even of it may be the truth also. I do not go so, even if it says that it is "be different".

He is the villain who invaded the heavy crime to Ainu.
Granted that it is the collection thing that "the Kodama collection" throws the private fortune really tentatively and was collected peacefully
As for it and this that is so is too big, to be different.

For example, I and your grandgrandfather,
If be dug up the grave and be shaken to amount the number and leave to the shelf of the animal laboratory as for you how been you think?

It is usually to may be uncanny and may be sad and think so.
The feeling is very important.

And, those bone are experiment data yet.
Is this a good case?

Did you see photograph of the professor that is shot a/the photograph before that moves numerous ?

May not be shot even the bone partner of the animal usually such photograph , and he is not doing and not be treating Ainu the human being.
"The Kodama collection" is the collection that such a sexual pervert collected.
It is only that thing. It may be certain that it is great as data.
However, it the living-body tests of 731 corps and naciss are contributing with that and, unit what are saying to medicine does it differ?

Just because it is, is a fact that I contributed does it do the exhibition how" the progress of the medicine that I see to "the living-body test of nachiss?
Do I praise 731 corps, with etc." the wonderful corps which contributed to "the development of medicine?
I would think that the same context is included, in the title of the that exhibition that I see" to now of "the Kodama collection.

*: Original the partner is the business of the foundation of a country, although it was all the real name disclosure and there is the person as anonymity particularly, because the pressure from every direction might be applied.

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