ku=ani anakne oripakEsaman sekor reyan aynu ke=ne.
tanto anakune nagoya machiya orwa ku=ekaru ne.
repa etoko ta tan"itak=an ro"otta aynu-itak ani Short play ku=nukare.
aynu=itak,an=kor itak,
ku=sinrici neno,ramma kane ku=eiwanke rusuy kusu ku=arikikki kane an.
enuki korka,aynumoisir wa,
tu atuy oika,re atuy oika an=ehopuni tuyma mosit-ta,
sisam poro kotan ta sikun kuni p ku=ne kusu,
aynu-itak nakka,aynu puri nakka pirkano ku=eraman ka easkay somo ki.
I am OripakEsaman, one of the Ainu, the native Japanese.
I hope to use the Ainu language as living one, and actually am making efforts to use Ainu language as our ancestors did in the past. I, however, don't live in Ainumosir, the homeland of the Ainu. I live in Nagoya, where is the large city but of Shamo(present Japanese), and far from Ainumosir, to where having to fly beyond three seas. Actually, I am not able to learn a lot about neither Ainu language nor the customs there.
→The 3rd ItakAnLo participation report (MLpaetokpuyar) →Ainu language all sentences that announced in the time →Report page of the FRPAC
ne-ambe kusu ku=itak rusuy ene ani hi.
tane wano aynuutari,aynu-puri nakka,aynu-itak nakka,ainu-ueomante nakka,pirikano yayepakasnu yakun
teeta wemkur tane nispane utar orwa nakka,wenkur toho ne utar orwa nakka,
sonno rammakorbe an yakune epakasnu-saymon(examination)kore ine aynuutari,epakasnu-saymon(examination) onumposo yakun,
epakasunkun-nere wa kesto kesto monraykere wa ikor kore wa i=korpare ya.
ene=okay epakasnukur anakne、
aynusani an poro kotan ta nakka、aynusani an pon kotan ta nakka monrayke kunip ne na.
Considering the fact that there are many descendants of the Ainu who are in the same circumstance with me, I have an opinion to propose.;
If anyone has learned and got the special knowledge about the language, culture, or history of the Ainu, please give them the qualification for a teacher of Ainu and employ them. I believe that the teachers are very necessary for all of us to live as the Ainu.
tane Japanese Government ikor isam hawas,
FRPACotta monrayke tono nispa ka ene itak nankon-na.
tane aynu rsuy kuni p mep ta an?
kampisosi ne ya?
pancho utar epirikap(Public management museum) ne ya?
iworoKOUSOU(ne ya?
Japanese government explains that it doesn't have enough money to carry out the plan.
The Foundation(FRPAC)* agrees on it.
On the other hand, they could allocate some budgets for full-colored beautiful pamphlets, the modern museum on government's initiative, just a theme park entitled 'the Plan of Iworo', and so on. But, I want to ask a question here, WHAT IS REALLY NEEDED FOR THE AINU?
KUZUNO ekasi nekon ye a?
"itak anakune toy orwa aynu pa eaykap" sekor an be ne sekor ku=yaynu.
I remember Old Chieftain Kuzuno's words;
"If you dig up the ground, you may find stone tools or earthenware, but the words are not buried there"
I deeply agree with him.
itak anakune aynu-yaynup sinrici ru ne.
neya pase kamuy,itak kasi kamuy turano okayan kusu
aynu-utari pirka monrayke uyna yakka pirka,sekor ku=yaynu.
The language is the very central core of our thought and mind.
I hope that many of the Ainu can get a job concerning our own tongue or with our own language-------- such an important spiritual element!
aynusani opitta aynu neno pirka okay hi pakno,
ku=yaykoyukar kor ku=arikiki kusune na.
I hope for the day when all the offspring of the Ainu can just be themselves as the Ainu, without any special efforts to learn it.