--cntr3 process(hblnkwk) begin if hblnkwk'event and hblnkwk = '1' then cntr3 <= cntr3 +"000000001"; end if; if cntr3="111000001" then --(1) cntr3<="000000000"; end if; end process; |
--cntr3 process(hblnkwk) begin if hblnkwk'event and hblnkwk = '1' then cntr3 <= cntr3 +"000000001"; end if; if cntr3(8)='1' then --(1) cntr3<="000000000"; end if; end process; |
-- vblnk,vsync process(cntr3) begin --vblnkwk if cntr3(8)='0' then vblnkwk<='1'; elsif cntr3(8 downto 4)="11001" then vblnkwk<='0'; end if; --vsyncwk if cntr3="110011100" then vsyncwk<='0'; elsif cntr3="110011110" then vsyncwk<='1'; end if; end process; |
-- vblnk,vsync process(cntr3) begin --vblnkwk if cntr3(7)='0' then vblnkwk<='1'; elsif cntr3(7 downto 3)="11001" then vblnkwk<='0'; end if; --vsyncwk if cntr3(7 downto 3)="11011" then vsyncwk<='0'; elsif cntr3(7 downto 4)="1110" then vsyncwk<='1'; end if; end process; |
--ramadrs process(cntr2,cntr3,vblnkwk) begin if vblnkwk='0' then ramadrswk<="0000000"; ramadrswk0<="0000000"; elsif cntr3(3 downto 0)="1111" and hblnkwk = '0' then --(1) ramadrswk0 <= ramadrswk; elsif cntr2="1010000" and cntr1(0)='1' then ramadrswk <= ramadrswk0; elsif cntr2(3)'event and cntr2(3)='0' and hblnkwk='1' then ramadrswk<=ramadrswk+"0000001"; end if; end process; |
--ramadrs process(cntr2,cntr3,vblnkwk) begin if vblnkwk='0' then ramadrswk<="0000000"; ramadrswk0<="0000000"; elsif cntr3(2 downto 0)="111" and hblnkwk = '0' then --(1) ramadrswk0 <= ramadrswk; elsif cntr2="1010000" and cntr1(0)='1' then ramadrswk <= ramadrswk0; elsif cntr2(3)'event and cntr2(3)='0' and hblnkwk='1' then ramadrswk<=ramadrswk+"0000001"; end if; end process; |
rgbout<=sftrgstr(7) and hblnkwk2 and vblnkwk and vactive; RGB_ROUT<=rgbout; RGB_GOUT<=rgbout; RGB_BOUT<=rgbout; ROMadrs<=cntr3( 3 downto 1); |
Hsync<=hsyncwk; Vsync<=vsyncwk; |
rgbout<=sftrgstr(7) and hblnkwk2 and vblnkwk and vactive; --RGB_ROUT<=rgbout; --RGB_GOUT<=rgbout; --RGB_BOUT<=rgbout; ROMadrs<=cntr3(2 downto 0); --crt out process(rgbout) begin if rgbout='0' then CRTDSP<='0'; else CRTDSP<='Z'; end if; end process; process(hsyncwk,vsyncwk) begin if hsyncwk='0' or vsyncwk='0' then CRTVHSYNC<='0'; else CRTVHSYNC<='Z'; end if; end process; |