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I welcom this opportunity to make the following intervention on behalf the Ainu association of Rela and the
Association of Indigenous Peoples in the Ryukus. We would like to bring to the attention of this Working Group
recent discriminatory statements made publicly by members of Japanese parliament.
On july 2nd of this year, Muneo Suzuki and Takeo Hiranuma of the Liberal Democratic Party, stated publicly in
separate venues that japan is an"ethnically homogenous" nation In particular, Muneo Suzuki, who is the
representative from Hokkaido, referred to Japan as"one nation [with] one language, one ethnicity. The Ainu," he
went on to say, "are now completely assimilated." This statement is especially offensive to us because Mr.Suzuki
was, for a long time, the director of the Japanese govemment's Hokkaido - Okinawa Development Agency. Therefore
Mr.Suzuki certainly aware of the existence of the Uchinanchu in the Ryukyus and Ainu as distinct peoples.
In reaction to these statements, Ainu across Japan immediately drew up letters of profest and called for a formal
inquiry into the statements of two officials.
In paragraph 13 of its report submitted in March of this year, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial
Discrimination found the Japanese govemment in violation of Article 4(c) of the International Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. The recent statements by Mr.Suzuki and Mr.Hiranuma are in
clear violation of Article 4(c), which condemns racially and ethnically discriminatory remarks by govemmment officials.
At present, Japan dose not have any domestic laws that address racial or ethnic discrimination. We submit that the
govemment's lack of attention to issues of discrimination contributes to the impunity with which govemment officials
make statement such as those made recently. This highlights the need for laws within Japan that will guarantee
protection from all forms of racial and ethnic discrimination. It has also come time for the international community to
elaborate mechanisms that will ensure the enforcement of corresponding rules of international law.
In 1986, the Prime Minister at the time, Yasuhiro Nakasone, made a similar statement praising the "ethnic
homogeneity" of Japan. The Prime Minister's statement proved pivotal to the Ainu rights movement. Ainu activists
reacted by renewing their demands here, to the United Nations, the following year Not only did they prove to the
international community that the Ainu do indeed exist, they began sharing the historical and current circumstances of
the Ainu.
Within Japan, we Uchinanchu and Ainu continue to demand our indigenous rights. Moreover, the presence of
generations of Resident Koreans, as well as people from around the world who have chosen to make Japan their home
and to even acquire Japanese citizenship, also belles the so-called"ethnic homogeneity" of Japan. We call on the
Japanese govemment to acknowledge that the statements by Mr.Suzuki and Hiranuma are not only untrue, but
also discriminatory and ethnocentric.
Finally, we take this opportunity to remind this forum of the reality that, for indigenous peoples in Japan and
throughout Asia and Africa, our struggle for our indigenous rights includes the acknowledgement, by govmments, of
our very existence as indigenous peoples As we continue our fight for our rights within the United Nations. we
Uchinanchu and Ainu are grateful to be able to draw attention to the unacceptable stance of the Japanese govmment
We would like to thank the Asian Indigenous Peoples' Caucus for endorsing this statement.
Thank you.
う発言を行いました。 1人は北海道選出の議員、鈴木宗男氏であり、彼は「(日本は)一国家、
このページは、アイヌ民族の生活と現在を考えるHP、Ainu puyarA上にあるページです。}{}{}{Ainu puyarA}{}{}{へ戻る